Much thanks to everyone. The advice offered is wonderful. I will begin working on drafting my letter and then I will wait for the test scores to come back. The scores should be back by April 25. I have old (two years ago) scores showing her in the 99 percentile for math and social studies. Should I have the achievement testing updated if since the school does not offer achievement testing for kindergarten?

Grinnity, I like your list about full skip and subject skips, but I did have to wonder if you were kidding at first. This school is big on the social emotional piece (independence), so I am not sure how that will go, but it is worth a try. She was skipped at her old school last year and I feel bad for not pushing it in this school, but I thought since it was a private school she would be challenged.

I am prepared to walk away from the school if I do not get her needs met. It is an economic and time situation. With one income in the family and my ex husband not an active part of all of this, everything fals on me. I cannot work full time, teach her what I think she should be learning at school and the rest of the work that goes along with parenting.

Dotty, if you think her achievement testing should be updated, which test would you advise?

I agree with the comment about back sliding and expecting less because I have seen this happen. OK, 12 days until the 25.