The IAS recommends using aptitude tests to identify kids in need of acceleration. I think SCAT is one of them.

Here's what it says:

Aptitude tests indicate a student's potential to learn new material in a specific subject, the content of which typically has not been taught in school. Aptitude tests can be general or subject-specific. Results from above-level achievement tests are considered an excellent indicator of aptitude in a specific content area.


On an above-level test (compared to students in the above-level grade), the student's scores were:

At or below the 49th percentile -- Verbal: 0 points, Quantitative: 0 points

Between the 50th and 74th percentiles -- Verbal: 2 points, Quantitative: 2 points

At or above the 75th percentile -- Verbal: 4 points, Quantitative: 4 points.

Last edited by Cathy A; 04/13/08 11:33 AM.