Originally Posted by CCN
Originally Posted by Tetriste
Is it normal to be impatient towards other people with a slow mind?

...I get frustrated with my husband - does that count?

(bah ha ha hee hee)

A-hem. Sorry.

Seriously though - he has his area of cognitive strength (i.e. very mechanical, memorizes formulas, etc), but he is not at all abstract, can NOT multitask AT ALL, and doesn't get metaphors (I live metaphorically!!). Sometimes I'll start talking and he'll just stare at me, dumbfounded. So then I have to start over and s-i-m-p-l-i-f-y. sigh.

Well, it sounds like I'm much like your husband. I'm sure I drive my wife nuts at times. We all have our blessings and our weaknesses.

I have trouble "seeing" text in my head. Many of my posts probably evidence this as my spelling has much to be desired. My wife can verbally spell a word and she has to repeat it perhaps 3 times before I see the letters form in my brain. On the other hand, I can look at a 2D blue print and build it in 3D in my mind in no time flat and see that picture in my mind in a heart beat. To me it's frustrating meeting with clients who need me to draw EVERYTHING for them in many perspectives just to grasp a simple concept visually. What's even more frustrating for me is how many clients come into our business ready to spend between 5k and 500k and have no idea what they want. Decision making for me comes very quickly.

Again, we all have our blessings and our weaknesses. The frustration comes when we focus on people's weaknesses rather than looking for their strengths and focusing on them be it in conversation, in education, or at leisure.

Lately my frustration is in people confusing the following:

Management and Leadership
Knowledge and Wisdom
Fair and Equal