JonLaw: You generally impress me, but *I* have had a 4 cup coffee maker so long its getting hard to clean. So HAH!

I may not be cisgendered, I would never put flowers or ribbons on my coffee pot. Or cary a handbag. Purse, yes. Handbag. No. There are a couple of woodworking knives and an axe next to the coffee maker, is that more masculine than flowers and ribbons? I can point you to a good knife seller if you'd like?

I love scented candles, but due to a spice allergy, I can no longer have anything containing "parfum" "fragrance" etc on my clothing/hair or near my kid. Um, no, not THAT spice.

It really, genuinely, actually, IS exceptionally normal to be grumpy and irritable. Even dumb people get grumpy enough to think geneii (sp?) are dumber than they (the dumb people) are. What's not wise is assuming one's irritability is a sign of genius. It's really just a sign of a sore foot, frustrating year, or lack of coffee. Or lack of ribbons. Or... lack of cisgenderedness, for that matter. One of my good friends, the one who solves our 5x5 rubics cube into a new fancy pattern every week, is notable for his ability to take anyone seriously, and I've watched him learn things he cared about from some of the least brilliant people I know. Dumb mistakes are the kind of thing smart people fail to make, which makes them valuable.

erm... yeah.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!