I just reread the entire thread and there were so many comments that I wanted to quote and type "yes!! yes!!" underneath (lol). This is such an interesting and complex topic and I don't think there's a perfect solution.

During the school year I was making DS8 (ADHD combined) breakfast shakes. His teacher said she noticed he was more awake in class: on non-shake days he yawned a lot more and had a lot less energy.

This is what I used:

Almond milk (LOVE this stuff smile )
Protein powder (whey isolate, not concentrate)
Vitamin D drop
Flax oil

Fyi he's tested negative for celiac (the leaky gut theory fascinates me - as does the bacterial autism theory: http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/episode/autism-enigma.html My son spent the first ten days of his life drinking "doctor ok'd" antibiotic laced breast milk thanks to a massive c-section incision infection I had... don't get me started on that). Anyway. He's also tested negative for allergies, gluten, and we've tried food elimination).

Anyway, the shakes made a difference for him smile