Originally Posted by cdfox
I take it no one has read, Healing Young Brains, because it has a similar list to what the NFT recommends and is back by science.

I flipped through that book using Amazon's Look Inside. "One of the most common medical conditions we see in children and adults does not exist, according to conventional medicine" is not the kind of statement one normally sees in a book grounded in scientific research. Nor "patients are usually helped by [...] homeopathy." (If you flip through the bibliography, it's short on research published in reputable journals.)

People have historically eaten grains because you can support a higher population density on grain than on non-grain food sources. (Grain gives you more calories per acre of land.)

I personally feel better on a lower-grain, lower-carb diet, so I'm not knocking the desirability of figuring out a diet that works for you (or for your kid). But in my experience, diet is a very personal thing, and I would hesitate to recommend any particular diet as ideal for all people in any given group. A base for trial and error, sure. But not something to be accepted as gospel.