Originally Posted by cdfox
The NFT said that any food that could convert to alcohol (ie. most items in a Western diet) is affecting the brain.

This is interesting, my NFT basically said no other simultaneous treatment, medication or therapy is necessary for the NFT to work, in fact he advised not changing anything until we completed the NFT, so I am curious about your therapist saying the diet change is an essential part.

HOWEVER, my NFT also mentioned something about the “racing thoughts” (which cause or exacerbate anxiety)that he observed in my DD’s brain mapping were consistent with what he sees in the recovering addicts/alcoholics that he treats. He said that he often sees these signs in children of alcoholics. Alcoholism does run in her dad’s family so I thought it was plausible and yet I wonder if there is something to the connection between her brain wiring showing alcohol traits and her diet (she has been a sugar and grain fiend all her life). Or maybe people with that type of brain wiring are just more prone to addictions…We don’t know cause and effect but it is an interesting observation. Also, I have been wondering about candida overgrowth, it makes sense (in my non-scientific brain) because we give our kids antibiotics when they are sick but we don't give them pro biotics to replace the balance. It would seem then, that they could easily be dealing with a candida overgrowth that could expedite fermentation in the gut - no?

I know none of this is scientifically proven to the satisfaction of the masses (yet) but for some people the scientifically proven answer just isn’t an option (in our case the meds just didn’t work).

Originally Posted by cdfox
I had a BIG dumping of the cupboards yesterday to go cold turkey today since we've got a eg/pg DS 6.5.

I did this after reading “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle”, then I spent a few hours reading labels at the grocery store and came home with water and salad. My family was not pleased, lol.

I tend to naturally choose more of the foods on the yes list so yay for me I guess. My DD would probably be fine on that diet, she might just eat nothing but chocolate until she had a sugar coma 

Originally Posted by LaTexican
I read something in a library book years ago about eating what your racial ancestors ate. Not broadly as in the caveman diet I read about online these days, but more specific to the continent and region your ancestors lived, be it goats or seafood or rice or corn. The useful ADHD gene you mention reminds me of a Facebook quote attributed to Temple Gradine, "where would we be without the autism gene? We'd still be sitting around in caves, socializing, getting nothing done".

So I guess its Irish whiskey, potatoes and Polish sausage for me then…:-D
I love the Temple Grandin Quote too…although way too many of the spectrum kids I know aren’t really getting much done other than mastering videogames 