My son was diagnosed with dyspraxia at age 11 but his difficulties seemed to have more to do with his low muscle tone and loose joints which caused him to fatigue faster than other kids. He could not practice skills as long as other kids because of the low endurance. I would say he got about half as much practice but since he seemed to learn twice as fast as other kids for most things it didn't seem that much of a problem.

He wouldn't do jigsaw puzzles, didn't like coloring, and he didn't like to draw but he learned to write his name before he turned 5. His handwriting was legible but sloppy and he had trouble coloring in the lines and cutting with a knife and buttoning but I think it had more to do with his loose finger joints.

At four he was able to learn dances for musical theater but I did notice that he e seemed to have a hard time with learning to do hand motions with dances if he had to do them quickly but he learned to compensate for that by naming the motion and saying it in his head so I guess he compensated by using verbal memory and it worked well for him. He had to learn the dance first this way and then he could add the singing that was also required. His balance has always been good. He is usually able figure out a way to compensate for his disabilities if given the chance but then people had trouble believing he had a disability when they saw him perform. We had trouble getting his doctors to approve PT or OT until he was 11 and finally got the diagnosis of dyspraxia and then they said it was too late for OT so we have just had to figure out a lot of things on our own with the help of people on message boards like this one.