Originally Posted by geofizz
Oh, and I'm intensely curious based on the dramatic similarities -- does your daughter hear a voice when reading? My DD goes from seeing print to knowing the message without hearing her voice. This leads to very fast reading, high comprehension, but no sense for how a sentence should flow. This makes her writing bizarre at best.

I just went and asked DD about this - it is a question that I never even considered - and she said that the only time that she reads where she hears a "voice" is when she has to go back and read a particularly difficult sentence (usually one with odd structure). Other wise she says she just "absorbs" the words. She does have a huge vocabulary and almost speed reads. I guess this makes some level of sense as to why my DD reworks sentences when she reads out loud. She must be processing the info and then turning back into "speech"? Every day I discover that her brain just works so differently than most brains seem to.

Thanks to all of you for the welcome. Our school has been very willing to test her (despite her GT status, which I understand causes big problems in some schools), but I don't expect a lick of help as far as any type of classes. She is working at grade level on everything (no idea how she could be grade level for spelling), but there was a HUGE difference in her scores using math scores as her "normal". She did have below grade level scores on some of the individual sections of the testing, but for most of her problem areas she was "low grade level". (I don't know all the lingo yet - sorry). She is a straight A student & has high standardize testing scores.

So, if I can't expect much help from the school as far as getting her decoding words, where do I even start outside of them? I don't even know what direction to turn. And she is signed up for Spanish this year - anyone have any experience in foreign language with kids like this?

This whole thing has just been amazing to me. We have always known that "A's" brain works differently than most peoples - she passes for normal most of the time, but she thinks in totally different patterns.