Food allergies ARE pretty weird, though. They can appear and disappear and can be grown out of long after people think they are still present. A good allergist will tell you as much. I have extremely bad environmental allergies (confirmed by skin and blood testing, and symptoms) and was tested for food allergies to see if they might be contributing, although there wasn't any strong reason to think I had any. I tested positive for dairy, soy, corn, some nuts, and a few other things as well, despite having eaten them all my life. Only one of these foods gives me any reaction (and it's mild) as far as I can determine. The rest I continue to eat and enjoy with no issue and my allergist's okay. He basically said that people do test false positive for food in the sense that you may test positive without experiencing reactions that you notice or that bother you. It isn't a perfect system by any means.

ETA: BUT! I do have oral allergy syndrome and I have avoided many RAW veggies and some fruits most of my life because of this. I like the taste of all these foods, but they produce some discomfort. I never knew what this was, but as a kid I said I "hated" melon and raw peppers and "was allergic to" pineapple because of it.
I did not test allergic to any of these foods on a skin-prick test which goes to show...something or other.

Last edited by ultramarina; 07/05/12 02:11 PM.