Sorry to not be encouraging, but in case it helps you feel better this is an area where I have totally failed. Our DD8 will only eat a small number of things (such as cured meats (!), chicken, a particular kind of local bakery bread, most fruits (!), pretzels and other salty snacks, and any kind of dessert). And the list keeps getting *shorter*!!!!!! as she gets older--what's up with that? Also she's getting much pickier about clothes and so now won't wear any of the pants, shorts, skirts, or shirts that she used to--just loose-fitting, soft cotton knit dresses with as few seams as possible.
My approach to food is to try to get her to eat different stuff but not to make a big deal if she doesn't want to do more than taste it; we're hoping eventually it will change. As long as she gets some protein, fruit, and milk every day and takes her vitamins I'm thinking and hoping that's good enough to not be unhealthy. DH wants to push it more but it really is a tremendous struggle and when he decides to make an issue of it some evening I can tell you those are not happy nights in our house. I hope nobody is offended by my lame parenting, but I think you would have to live through it to realize how difficult it can be to get some kids to eat something they don't want to.
We are not foodies and so I think it would be harder for you, but I can tell you my boss is a foodie and has a kid who I think eats even less different things than DD. So you are not alone! I think they were worried about his health and so were trying to get him to eat protein bars and drinks (like Odwalla) for awhile but am not sure how well that worked out.
Best wishes,