This is such a hard issue, I have "average picky" eaters: 2 kids AND hubby. My hubby has ssues with meat stemming from being tricked into eating a lot of different meat products (cow brain, gizards, blood sausage, etc.) as the child of two no-nonsense farmers. Both he and his brother have texture issues. Sometimes, I refuse to cook for ANY of them after a new recipe gets rejected. I am not picky at a huge variety and always have.

I do see there can be biological component. My mom is a picky eater, as is my sister, and one of her kids. My neice litetarally only ate maybe 4 foods until she was about nine. Her parents picked their battles as every meal was a potential minefield. So have hope!

We choose a sensible approach. Kids need to take a no-thankyou bite. We don't trick our kids. They have water with meals and unlimited milk after they've eaten a fair amount. We do not do juice...they must eat their fruit. We try to understand if the
pickiness is coming from anxiety (as DeeDee noted),
taste, texture, sight or plain obstinance. Though I wish we didn't we use the
dessert bribe, we totally do.

Last edited by Evemomma; 06/21/12 05:35 AM.