Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
So. IQ and adults. In adults, largely, IQ has nothing to do with destiny. Motivation and persistence have MUCH more to do with success than IQ does.

So true. (SO true, lol!)

For the most part, it's just a number.

For myself, however, it proved valuable because it gave me insight in to why I've always been "different." I've always been more sensitive, more reactive, more obsessive, more idealistic, more easily distracted, more intense, etc etc etc etc (did I mention etc? ;-) You guys all know.

Even though I knew I was clever, I wasn't educated in some of the behavioural differences that can go along with this. My friends all handled me with kid gloves, telling me I should "get help." I was made to believe there was something wrong with me, and I was plagued by the fact that no one understood me.

I was in my late 20's when I did the testing, and it helped to give me an idea of how differently I was wired. Not "wrong," just different, and to what degree.

It was almost like... a diagnosis, of sorts, and things started to make more sense for me. I started being a little kinder to myself.

(LOL oh and I was SO MAD that I scored below 160... so funny). Ah, I was young and silly.

Now I don't really care because as HowlerKarma says, it's what you DO with what you have that counts. Still, testing (as an adult) really helped me.

Last edited by CCN; 06/30/12 07:40 PM.