Some of DS6's 'quirks' have changed over the years, some haven't.

-He has always been afraid of loud noises, certain frequency noises, and particularly the sound of flushing toilets.

-He went through a six month or so phase when he was around 3 to 4 where he narrated almost his entire life (i.e. "And then I will get my blankie and then I will get in the van and buckle my seat belt and you will drive to daycare but when we get to daycare I will put my blankie on my head so no one can see me and I will be shy.").

-He fidgets- A LOT!

-He loves to listen to the news on the radio and asks questions about EVERYTHING.

-He has huge anxiety about all kinds of day to day stuff but will sit and watch documentaries about 9/11 without any issues at all.

-He is very particular about temperatures of things like food and baths but will then put on a long sleeve turtleneck shirt with shorts on a 90 degree day.

-He is also a huge perfectionist that gets frustrated easily if something doesn't just 'come to him'.

Basically, he wears me out ;-)