DD13 hates to not be aware of the complete context and background of any and all conversation around her.

Mostly, her snarkiness and the things that she finds absurd, I guess, which is pretty much anything and everything.

Deep impatience at being treated like a performing circus animal. Once she masters something, she may well refuse to 'demonstrate' for anyone, and it can easily (ohhhhh so easily) devolve into a total power struggle, which she DELIGHTS in.

Stubbornness... oh-my-goodness. (No idea where she gets that from...)

Sense of self and innate 'reading' of others which is downright freaky. She'll overreact in typical teen fashion to some look/remark from one of us in one moment, and then shrug off a blatant snub or slight from a friend as "yeah, but ________, so {friend} needed to feel in control over something. Reacting to it would only have escalated things, and it wasn't worth it." She started doing things like that around 3-5yo. She has no "need to win" in social settings like that, which is a downright bizarre trait among human beings.

Her interest in and compassion for human beings in a "big-picture," and "social justice" kind of way. That's not necessarily a 'giftie' quirk, but a "DD" one. This, in combination with the stubbornness and perceptiveness/self-control noted above led her to be nicknamed "Little Ghandi" by a daycare provider when she was fourteen months old. It's hardwired.

She needs print materials. The way most people need air. She has never voluntarily left the house without a book since she was about three.

Insomnia; she's had problems with it, off and on, since she was about 3? She also never slept as much as age-mates, and still doesn't. At 13, she will sleep about nine hours if we let her, but most nights only 7-8 hours is plenty.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.