Stays up quite late. Whenever I say something he doesn't like, engages in theatrics ("Oh my GAWWWWWWD, Dad!"). Takes such long showers that he sometimes falls asleep on the floor of the shower, if we don't watch him. Extremely absent-minded about where he's put things, including his two-year-old brother. Zeros in on words he finds silly for one reason or another, and uses/abuses them terribly for quite some time (yesterday's was "mustachio", prompting him to declaim in the voice of a foreign ringmaster, "I have grown a mustachio on my midsection", etc., as he applied tape to various sections of his body and his brother's). Likes puns and goofy jokes. Zeros in on activities for extended periods, to the point he will forget that he's hungry. Very sensitive to noise. Likes doing things for himself, but also clever at pretending that he either doesn't hear or can't fulfill requests from parents, applying logic as necessary.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick