Both my kids are also very sensitive to loud noises.

DD has a really intense need for information about everything. If you take her to the dentist (previous post made me think of this) she is not afraid, per se, but the appointment takes a long time because she asks 5 million questions about every instrument and procedure.

She used to talk to herself nonstop. If I ever lost her in the house when she was a toddler, I could just follow the sound of her voice.

DS used to regale total strangers with random ocean facts, but has stopped doing that as much. They both recited entire books and many long poems from memory in their 2s and 3s. You know! I don't think DS is doing this anymore now that he can read. DD stopped doing it too around that time, although she still has an amazing ability to memorize. She learns everybody's lines when she is in plays.