We're not ready for high school yet, but I'll be very interested in how you ultimately work around this roadblock as it's something I expect we'll be facing when ds is older. Just curious - have you considered homeschool? In our area, home schooled kids can choose a public school where they are allowed to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports teams etc - that might be one way of giving your ds peer group interaction but let him fly academically. (I'm guessing that if you homeschool you could enroll him in community college or online courses).

Do you think you have any private school options that might work? Although our ds is younger, we've found that private school has worked much better than public school in many ways - most importantly for us the teachers and school staff are truly excited about seeing each individual child stretch to their full potential. It's possible you might be able to find a school that was eager to have your ds attend, and might offer flexibility as well as scholarship $.

I hope you'll let us know how everything works out -
