One thing I have realised about homeschooling my kids is this: I will never know all the answers. In fact I am pretty sure that by the time they are about 8 I will have outlived my academic usefulness. smile

When planning a project with Aiden now, or when he asks me a question now, even if I know the answer - I ask him how HE thinks we can learn about it/ solve it etc. Initially he only said "let's google it!". I started suggesting other people or places to turn to for help. Now he asks grandparents, goes to the library, calls uncles etc. The point is that if we want them to be personally responsible for their own learning, we need to give them the tools to get on with it - that means helping them find other means of getting the information they may need - opening their minds that neighbours, uncles, aunts, grandparents, shop owners etc can assist.

Now with some projects Aiden gets to plan it all, and I just smile, wave and pay! lol. Even if its not perfect, he is learning valuable life skills that will translate into him being able to learn what he needs to as he needs to.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)