If he did not meet the requirements and it was not neat, he would be grounded that day.

Wow! I really was starting to think that I was being too harsh with expecting her to capitalize the first letter of sentences....ya know, like she did when she was in first grade...her hand writing has become so bad that I was starting to think dysgraphia...then, I saw a paper come home...a creative writing paper...that she obviously enjoyed writing...such neat penmanship!

So, dysgraphia is out!

How important is it to teach neat-ness?

So, You are happy you made him write neatly?

Was it worth it?

The grounding and the fighting?

Cause I'm way more stubborn that her and I can get it out if i think it is important...and really I do...

Oh, this is going to be harder than I thought...I have to un-do so much damage!