Thought I'd throw in our experiences. DD was dx'd with CAPD,dysgraphia, SI issues,reading dyslexia, vision issues etc. We spent thousands and thousands of dollars on various therapies with marginal results.Her memory was fact she was able to fool her piano teacher for 5 years into thinking she could actually read the music . However what she did memorize was the number sequence for each hand and hit the wall with a sonatina. Fast forward to post-bac and she was dx'd with ADHD. All the CAPD , dysgraphia, SI issues, reading dyslexia etc. disappeared while on ADHD meds. NO ONE of the plethora of gifted psych's, neurologists etc ever even gave us a whiff of ADHD. I just ran across her original neuropsych report yesterday and upon reading it I was flabbergasted, because with what I know now about ADHD all the red flags were there and waving.
We were real lucky to have a specialist in ADHD who understood how the HG+ ADHD person presents and it is not like the mainstream picture of ADHD. Dr. Thomas brown out of Yale has pretty much dedicated his practice and research to HG+ ADHD and his research papers are online.

The face of ADHD is changing as they learn more about the neurobiology. Nadeau and Quinn have also been involved in gifted ADHD plus have been leaders in the field with women.

Nadeau has quite a few articles on gifted and ADHD especially as it pertains to secondary education when many of those kids hit the wall.

DD told me yesterday that her brain is a series of relational databases with an exquisite VLOOKUP and then went onto tell me that her brain was also like a very messy desktop on the pc with every program open and once she takes her adderall it's a "snap to grid" and she can easily access all that she needs. grin

Finally Our ADHD doc was telling us that the majority of his patients are HG+(doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs)plus quite a few professors and he flat out said ADHD is the wiring issue of the HG+ and once you harness the tremendous brain power you can soar.

Kristine G