Originally Posted by ABQMom
So it seems the neuropsych my son has been referred travels nationally speaking about ADHD. And while my son has some characteristics of ADHD, a previous assessment ruled that out as a cause. I am looking forward to the upcoming assessment (we still don't have an appointment yet - in the jumping through insurance and referral hoops stage), but there is a bit of concern that with this person's focus on ADHD that there might be a tendency to attribute those characteristics in my son to ADHD.

Might be. Although he may also be good at differential diagnosis.

Originally Posted by ABQMom
Any advice on broaching the subject with the neuropsych without twerking his jaw out of joint? I want him to test deeper, because I'm pretty sure the memory issues are not ADHD.

Definitely share all prior test results up front, and have a detailed list of your concerns at hand. You can ask him what disorders he tests for and what tests he will choose, and what those tests do. I think talking those things through will help you understand where he's coming from.

Originally Posted by ABQMom
I don't want my son's case to be part of an "agenda" (not that it will, but it might be).

Do you know why you got referred to this doc and not another one?

I guess I wouldn't assume there's an agenda until you see one. Although it does matter to find a professional who has professional expertise in the particular thing you're trying to figure out, some of these folks do have multiple kinds of expertise.

Originally Posted by ABQMom
(Oh, and I finally heard from the math teacher. She's given my kiddo a list of assignments he can redo and turn in on Monday. He will be passing and not needing summer school because of the zeros. Yay for understanding teachers!)

That sounds workable; good for you for hanging in there. If you can get better supports into place, I hope he can learn to have things more put together next year. Our DS has needed a lot of training in this regard, too...
