I don't know if this is an adult giftie thing or just a "me" thing, but I thought that this might be a place to get support or at least ask.

I've been researching dh's genealogy b/c he doesn't know a lot about his family of origin beyond his parents' generation. Grandparents were all immigrants. One family member, in particular, has drawn me in and and devastated me at the same time. His grandmother died very, very young and, despite, being told that this is just the way things were in that time, I find it so sad that I can't let it go.

She lost three children in the course of three years, one her first born at age six and the last the baby they named after the firstborn who had died two years earlier. It appears that she was essentially killed by the people who were meant to help her b/c treatment of depression and mental illness was so poorly done at that time. Her husband never remarried and outlived her by nearly 45 years. He raised their three surviving children alone.

I know that there is no justice to be had nearly 90 years later and I want to know more but at the same time, it nearly makes me cry and makes me angry for dh's grandfather, his mother who grew up without a mother herself, for dh whose mother's parenting was likely impacted by that...

How does one let this type of stuff go or at least keep it from being so devastatingly sad?