It depends on the school. Really. I have a child like what you described and it does make it harder. I think it could work though if we found a school that would even be willing to work with us. We have 1, yes 1 option where we live. Seriously there is one school within 800 air miles. And they are adamantly opposed to trying anything...even though they know that the standard won't work for her. In a closed meeting (I had an insider tell me this) they all decided we should homeschool and that it would be easier on them and so they when pushed won't budge on anything. But we have an odd situation here. We can't explore others schools or other methods. I do know some schools will radically accelerate or will compact curriculum and be inventive for a child. I went to one of those...but now we live thousands of miles from that school LOL. So all this is to say it is true he might always have a problem in school, but you may also be able to find a fit somewhere with persistence and a little luck.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.