I would also take this with a grain of salt given that he's three and was not given an IQ test (right?) You will know more later. It's true that some kids are very hard to "fit" in school, but I get nervous when professionals make sweeping pronouncements like this about a toddler.

My DD is also verrrry strong willed and self-directed. Preschool was tough. Kindergarten had its moments. However, as she's matured, she's actually become a model student 95% of the time (the 5% is an occasional crying fit at school, but it's become quite rare). Home is another matter--but school, behaviorally, is okay. (Is it a great fit? Not necessarily...but is she getting kicked out of class? No. If you'd seen her in preschool, though, you might well have been worried.)

Last edited by ultramarina; 05/03/12 01:14 PM.