Originally Posted by ABQMom
More homework for a 5 year old is not a good accommodation, in my opinion. And if the teacher isn't receptive to dealing with the stress your child is experiencing, I'd enlist the school counselor who will be more motivated to deal with your child's mental and emotional well being and may carry more clout with the teacher.

That's an idea I hadn't thought of. I don't even know if his school has a counselor, I'll have to check into that. There doesn't seem to be one listed on the staff page...although there is a psychologist, maybe she pulls double duty. Because in the long run, I'm not pushing and pushing to get him ahead of the other kids, or cram information into his little head. I just want him to be happy and if not HAPPY then not so miserable! If he was happy I wouldn't be pushing at this stage.

He was okay going to school today, he didn't want to but there were no tears. Of course he has pictures in the middle of math class (coincidence that he was better today?) and he's got a dr. appt in a few hours going to pull him and he knows about that.

I may go crazy before our GDC conference on Monday! smile Thanks again for being a place where I can vent/discuss/question. It helps so much.