Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Also, did you tell the teacher that your son cries before school each day? that is what really struck a chord with our DS's kindy teacher, and did eventually result in our DS receiving pullout instruction in 2nd grade math with the gifted coordinator. Would the current school allow your DS to do online individualized math, like aleks or EPGY for. The rest of the year?

I have mentioned it to her, and I've mentioned that I'm worried regarding his intense feelings for math class are going to affect his love of learning, etc.. But I haven't gotten the feeling that she sees anything like that at school. I think he saves it all for me when he's at home.

I'd love for him just to get a pass on the rest of saxon first grade math, and just do independent work at a table or at the computer. For goodness sakes, I'd even go into school every day at math time and teach him math if that's what it took. I do have a degree in special education and a masters in Ed. Psych. I could handle his hour long math class. (hehe)