Oh, so to do Kumon, you need to go to the centers? Don't they have books as well?

She has figured out that she has to show her work to get full points, so she knows how to fulfill that expectation, although she speeds through and is a little sloppy (answers are right). She would LOVE not to have to show her work.

I am not mathy, which is a shame for DD. I can, of course, competently perform the operations at this age/grade, but I am not good at explaining. This hasn't been an issue for far, but it probably will be eventually. I just taught her basic multiplication of multidigit numbers this afternoon, and she "got" how to do it immediately, but my explanation was, uh, not inspired. DH is much more mathy, but guess who's home during homework time. I guess I have been thinking/hoping that Khan Academy could help us if we run into a concept that I suck at explaining.