I'd also recommend Aleks - SiaSL summarized the program really well, and it sounds like it would be a good fit for your dd. We used it for *exactly* what you're trying to do - ds sped through the curriculum quickly, but he clearly learned the material, and he also liked the quick pace. When we asked for the acceleration at school, we showed them the reports from Aleks that tie the modules mastered to state curriculum standards for the highest level course he'd taken in Aleks.

I think someone mentioned that Aleks lacks the "explain how you got your answer" type problems, which it definitely lacks... but fwiw, our ds was so extremely challenged by word problems in elementary school level math - but once he was working in algebra he found his words... it was just easier for him to understand how to explain - so I wouldn't let lack of exposure to explain-your-work-five-different-ways-or-else hold your dd back from trying Aleks or a similar program (can you tell I'm a little bit tired of Everyday Math lol!).

FWIW, my dd10 is going to Kumon. I think that might be another option for your dd - but the downside is you can't just do it when you feel like it like you can with Aleks, you are supposed to do a little bit of Kumon math every day, and you are supposed to go to the center each week. It also costs a lot more $ than Aleks smile Our dd is going to Kumon because she screams when she needs to have her parents answer a math question... but she seems to listen when other people explain concepts...so it's worth the $ to us to have her get annoyed at someone else!

With our ds, we found that 95% of the time, the written explanations in Aleks were all he needed to understand a new concept. The other 5% of the time he caught on by having us (parents) explain it to him. If there aren't any math geeks in your house to handle explanations, I think kids can also ask a tutor at Aleks, but I'm not 100% certain of that.

Best wishes,
