We did not skip our son, who was reading at a 3rd or 4th grade level at the start of kindergarten. Additionally, the math placement test they gave him put him between the average level for an 8 year old and the average level for a 10 year old. He was doing multiplication and division without problem before school started. I taught him division in about 5 seconds in the dressing room at Old Navy while I was trying on jeans and he was playing a math app on the ipad.

We don't have a legitimate gifted school option, and we have determined that he is way out of the ordinary even among his bright/gifted peers. (We live in a college town, and he still is way beyond the children of the professors and doctors and doctoral students who attended daycare and preschool with him). We debated pushing for him to skip kindergarten, but ultimately decided against it--mainly due to issues like fine motor skills/handwriting, attention span, work production, and social navigation issues.

We are very happy with our decision, but most of that satisfaction comes from the fact that our school offered him services with the gifted teacher even though he is not yet identified by the school. they also subject accelerated him for language arts, and have him receiving differentiated instruction in math, as well as two periods a week of science/social studies enrichment with the first graders.

He is still ahead of all of the first graders and ahead of many of the second graders. Because we are not currently interested in radical acceleration, the school's programs are serving their purpose.