Most Ks are really boring. If your kiddo is doing 2 digit addition and reading on his/her own, skip to 1st grade. Kinders are writing A,B,C and learning 1, 2 ,3 and taking 1 hr nap, LOL.

Both of my DDs skipped (1 birthday is in late Oct and the other in late March). The kiddo needs to take the test anyway and if the result come back >95%, you should strongly consider moving up.

1st and 2nd grades were a breeze for both of them. Last 2 years (3rd and 4th grade), we wonder if we made the right decision for older DD (although she skipped only 2 months), she is shy and not as organized as younger DD. But somehow, she is doing fine in the 5th. My younger DDs never had any problems.

I guess, different strokes for different folks.