Thanks st. paulie girl, unfortunately, there is no gifted coordinator, but we do have an appointment to meet w/his teacher next week; she does seem open to trying to differentiate instruction.

Unlike your son, he had never been excited about writing. But, I understand what you're saying about the perfectionist issue.

@aculady-did some more reading about NVLD; very interesting, but doesn't seem to fit our son. I do however, see certain issues that he struggles with (social, spatial), but not NVLD overall.

I do have a question about OT eval--
Do I mention these issues? Do I mention his IQ test/giftedness etc. Sometimes I wonder if once you put a thought or a suggestion into an evaluator's head, he/she might read into it or try to make an evaluation "fit" what you're suggestion. Is it better to say nothing and just see what the evaluator determines on her own.