smile...I think part of her NOT reading or being excited by reading is that...If she chooses a book, she is not allowed to switch books. Occasionally she is asked to write up a prediction or whatever on the book she is reading and logging. Her teacher noticed once that she was reading "Midwife's Apprentice" for too long (she kept losing it lol) and told her that she wanted it done in a couple of days. I have not spoken with her teacher extensively, but I can tell she is not going to understand my point of view. She is older and very rigid. She seems to be good with struggling readers, and might even resent my dd for being advanced. She encouraged me to tell her to play chess. That was her big words of advice at our last conferences. She said that chess is "good for her because you have to think ahead." While this is true, I thought we were way beyond that. She told me how wonderful it was to have someone in her class who could remind her how the rook moved. She tried to convince me that chess was "hard." This was her Language Arts teacher and this was all she could say at parent conferences and that DD was doing "fine" and that she has already read "so many books" and when I asked about her friendships she said, "well, I never see her by herself."

So, what I'm trying to say is that talking to this teacher is out.

Ideas for reading...I'll tell you what she has read and enjoyed

Shadow's On The Sea by Joan Hiatt Harlow. (I picked her up Joshua's Song by the same auther and she was happy.)

Behind the Bedroom Wall (don't know who)Read it last year.

American Girl's Book on Money (has been reading it and re-reading it since kindergarten and frequently makes business plans)

On Pointe Magazine

American Girl Magazine (writes to them, but never sends it.)

She wants to read that wearwolf moon seried...what is it called? (I won't let her)

She thinks she might enjoy Hunger Games...any thoughts?

She likes books on how to interpret dreams.

And books on how to decorate your room.

She has a book about how to tutor children to read on her nightstand.

She seems to be injoying the "Cat Who" Books and will sometimes refer to them...but she doen't love them so much that she brings them in the car

Oh! SHE LOVED Dance of Sisters

AND Dancing Shoes
AND Ballet Shoes (but these are sooo far under her Lexile!

Books she doesn't like...

Anything Tolken

Anything she can watch on TV...i.e. Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the prarie...

No HOBBIT! NO Chronicles Of Narnia (She heard me read most of them to her sister)

She really is a girl with a bit of an edge. She want to read about social problems about girls her age (or older) and most of those are written so badly or they are written for girls who are deciding when will be there first time ...ya know.

She really isn't into reading about the pioneers, although she has enjoyed historical fictions that have taken place during wartimes.

Oh, she like the Red Rock Series about a Christian Group of kids who got into some scary being in a car accident in which the car ended up under water and they all had to save each other. I think they were about a 7th grade level. She actually devoured that series. A friend gave them to her.

I am going to officially blow off the Lexile restrictions and just let her read books she likes...IF they bring it up as an issue, I will then talk with the teacher and the principal about how she has obviously met their standards of fluency.

Any ideas for Books based on her interests would be very welcome! I may even lie a little to her about the books being at a good lexile...some books aren't even I could tell her that I couldn't find the Lexile...and that would be okay. smile