I have two good readers -- one who loves to read and one who really does not. My oldest, fortunately, wasn't held to any reading stds once she got to about nine. The last time she took a lexile test, she was 10 and scored around a 1500. She did enjoy reading some books with high lexiles like that, but she also read all kinds of other stuff. The way her school encouraged reading to a high level was to assign some challenging books in the classroom like The Phantom of the Opera and other unabridged classics, but there were no reading logs.

My youngest, the one who does not like reading, also reads well above grade level, but probably not as high as her sister did at her age. For her, 2e does play into it. She reads very slowly and has other issues that impede her reading pleasure.

Your dd sounds somewhere btwn my two -- no LD (like my dd13), but little passion for reading at this point (like my dd11). Some of the stuff we've tried w/ dd11 might or might not work in your case in that your dd doesn't have a LD. The few things that have had some success with dd11 include:

* buying her a Nook and letting her read on that (she likes technology and can download samples of books and decide if she wants to continue reading them or not once she's had a chance to preview them)
* letting her read magazines and shorter things like collections of short stories (Edgar Allen Poe, for instance, is likely to be fairly high on a lexile range, but also has a lot of shorter stuff in case she loses interest quickly)
* like you, not following with an iron fist whether the reading log is a 100% accurate representation of what dd is reading -- putting it back in her court rather than making it a chore