Totally opinion here. I would not bother with finding material to match the Lexile score - we never had success finding interesting/appropriate reading material for a strong reader at that age, and in our case it was a voracious rather than reluctant reader. And about the interest in reading, beyond making sure there is not a vision problem or other impairment interfering with reading, I would (try to) not stress out about it. The ability will still be there when she needs/wants it.

I would, however, try to work with your daughter to find a way to comply with the reading log requirement in a meaningful way. Does she have other interests she could pursue through reading? For example, if she is interested in math, she might enjoy the Murderous Maths series - math humor plus engaging, substantive content. Or maybe audiobooks instead of reading? That might be a strategy to get her hooked on a series so she wants to read more....