Originally Posted by DeeDee
So DeHe, if it seems to you it's a motor issue or dysgraphia, by all means get him evaluated; but if you think it's purely that he doesn't want to comply, it may be worth working on.


DeeDee I think you nailed it for me - I can't tell. Interestingly, the K teacher, who has been supportive really pushed for an eval and we are allowing that to happen, said he might not qualify for anything. She notes that it just seems so hard for him and he seems to really be trying. So I am torn, I know the eval will show he is at the lower end of K, his teacher thinks he will be under it.I am not sure as this is a gifted school how that translate into what she routinely sees. But anyway, he needs more help. But on top of that, I think I am concerned that he is starting to develop what so many here have talked about - a realization that he is not learning anything and that it is a waste of time. But the attitude only manifests in the stuff he isnt good at. Some of it is definitely his current attitude - he is about to turn 6 and really seems to be in a "no" mindset - he doesnt want to do anything but read, he doesnt want to eat foods he used to like. Its weird he is taking on more responsbility by his own choice and reverting to babyish behavior in other areas - I forgot that he gets like this, sometimes before a growth spurt and sometimes before a brain spurt.

For the dysgraphia/dyslexia crowd, my worries stem from how hard he has to think to get 9 and 6 correct, when he gets tired he reverses, etc. But the main oddity I noticed is that he never starts numbers or letters in the same place or does it the same way. Making the shape is not rote. But then most of the time it doesnt manifest in a wrong shape - so normal age thing, or not, time will tell, I guess.

At any rate, we are very conscious of his self esteem - but also there seems to be a bit of arrogance developing about his reading level, etc, mainly in reponse to the fact the he gets things from school labeled for 2nd or even 3rd grade - so we had a discussion that brain age is not always the same as physical age - same as soccer skills or art skills. Funny to be talking about asynchrony with him!!!

So get the eval, praise the effort and a positive attitude, manage the crappy attitude and try to get him doing more fine motor.

And piano sounds like a great idea!

Everyone thanks! everyone says this all the time, but you really can't talk about this with other parents - even when you are in a gifted environment!


Last edited by DeHe; 01/21/12 09:20 AM. Reason: piano