DD8.5 has read numbers 1 and 2. We will not allow her to read beyond that yet because she is super sensitive and will have great difficulty dealing with the scary/sad things that start happening in book 3. She has only seen the movie of book 1 and she is not interested in seeing the other ones because she liked the book so much better than the first movie she thinks they are a waste of time. (I'm sure this attitude will change with time.) Yes, some of her friends think she is weird because she hasn't read them all, but she rightfully blames me as the reason she hasn't and they seem to be ok with that.
It isn't easy to keep her from reading them all, but knowing how she will react to them it is worth it. We will probably let her read the next one this summer. So, my advice would be to see how she is doing with the plot and characters and how deeply she is getting into it before you let her read them all.