Butter (8) has loved Halloween and all things scary, supernatural and mysterious, as well as the color black since she was two. She mentioned that our dog and cat had died recently on the first day of school. Her first favorite movie was Nightmare before Christmas.
She didn't start reading HP books until we saw the last movie earlier this year. She's on The Half Blood Prince now...Previously she read Chronicles of Narnia (the whole series) starting at the end of first grade, Percy Jackson series in second grade and now HP. Well, actually, DH and I took turns reading HP aloud to Butter when she was in the womb, does that count? lol!
I would not say its "the norm" for a child so young to seem undisturbed by death, scary monsters, etc but that's just the way she's always been.
The Diva (almost 5), on the other hand, couldn't even watch The Princess Bride until she was 4, now suddenly, scary things don't bother her either, but she still isn't as "emo" as Butter, lol!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...