DS 5 was home sick and I thought okay maybe we could try it. He has always been sensitive and a fraidy cat but he has always been more comfortable with books as opposed to movies or TV for scary stuff. We read through the section about mr dursley going to work,the owls, dumbledore arriving, he loved it, then the first part about voldemort killing the potters and trying to kill Harry - forget it - lip quivering, way,way too scary. In retrospect, I knew it but I was swayed by how much he would like the rest of it!! So it will be awhile before I try again. It was sort of silly to rush, but i was focused on the orphan part as the scary part rather than the killing, so since he read Hugo Cabret and a bunch of other orphan books (annoying that it's always the vehicle) I thought it was okay, totally missing the evil killing part, sometimes I forget he's 5, oops frown
