When DD had a friend say she didn't believe in Santa I made sure she knew that *I* do believe in him. Of course there had to be a bit of logic worked into the story. I explained his complicated delivery system (a series of chutes running through the center of the earth with distribution points all over the world. The elves have to make sure all the chutes are filled with toys and gifts - this is even more important than making the toys because if necessary Santa can buy them in stores) and the mechanism that makes it look like Santa's Village is just covered by a sheet of ice in case any spy planes come looking for it. DH and I have told her that we think Santa and Mrs. Clause have the best jobs in the world and I REALLY wish I could have Mrs. Clause's job - baking cookies and just trying to make people happy. What could be better than that? When we saw "Santa's Reindeer" at a winter amusement park a couple of days after Christmas we explained that they were there on vacation recuperating from Christmas. They only had a couple of weeks off, though, and then they all have to head back to the North Pole to get started on next year. "It takes most of the year for the elves to fill those chutes you know."

Anyway, DD has a great imagination so I may never know if/when she stops believing because I am sure she will continue to play along, just as we play along with her. When she recently found a bag with tiny teeth and a couple of gold coins she asked DH if they were her teeth. Without missing a beat DH said "They can't be yours - the Tooth Fairy took yours." I thought that was the end of all of this fun but nope - she happily put her next tooth on her bedside table for the Tooth Fairy. Maybe it was that gold pixie dust sprinkled all over that convinced her the Tooth Fairy really came...

Oh - and she decided this summer that DH must secretly work for the Easter Bunny. Not sure how she came to that conclusion but we are playing along. This age doesn't last forever and once the magic is gone it will be gone for good. I want her - and us - to enjoy it as long as possible.