Originally Posted by epoh
We've always told our kids the 'Santa' in the mall isn't the Real Santa. That the Santas in the malls are helpers, since the real Santa is very busy getting ready for Christmas.

I'm coming to the realization that we've setup Santa a little to realistically! DS7 is still 100% a believer. I am afraid this year I might have to tell him the truth. He's totally convinced he's going to get something rather expensive for Christmas, and I'm not sure how else to explain why $$ would matter to Santa.

This time of year always makes me a little sad, to hear so many don't believe in the magic of the world. There ARE so many things science cannot explain and, in a humanistic sense, I believe science itself is magic. Life is magic to me. So I believe in ALL KINDS of "magic" and encourage my children to do the same. Now, plants don't grow by magic, they use choloropyhll...but there ARE magic people and I wish other people who don't believe, would keep it to themselves and not tell MY kids, lol!

DD8 and DD4.5 know ALL about Santa. The Elf on the Shelf comes to visit us...we watch The Polar Express a bunch of times...We also echo the "mall Santa is a helper" philosophy. As the holidays approach, I point out white bearded men and tell my kids that might be the REAL Santa, in disguise, out getting toy ideas. Target and other stores have the same things as Santa because sometimes Santa contracts with the original manufacturer, like generic cereals come from the same factory...Santa doesn't ALWAYS bring EVERYTHING you ask for, moms and dads talk to Santa and ask if it's ok to bring you expensive or living things, like puppies. In our house, Santa only brings one gift per child, it's not wrapped (so no matching paper problem). Santa tends to bring something they REALLY want (and asked him for) that is not overly extravagant but something maybe I've said no to a dozen times when asked previously. Santa and parents together decide what you really need, not just want...hth epoh wink

I think it really comes down to a question of whether you believe in magic or not. I have no problem admitting I do. My kids do too. Butter is waiting for that Hogwarts letter, they build fairy houses outside at every opportunity and wouldn't DREAM of touching the elf. They also believe (but are not scared of) witches, werewolves, vampires, zombies, etc...I think a fantasy life and magic are just as important as other things we fill our children with, that their creativity and imaginations need nurturing too...

Oh and of course, Santa's workshop, etc are all hidden from view by a cloaking device type thing, which only had to happen fairly recently, with planes and all.

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...