WookieMouse, I was really excited to read your post. My eldest son is also a quirky gifted and we are going next week to have the Aspie part evaluated. I can really relate to what you said about not wanting to waste time on things that don't help yet not wanting to cut out things that might help. It is so hard to know what to pursue.

As for the no currency issue, when my son (who is now 8) was younger, I tried every strategy to motivate him I could find and most of them just did not work. Three resources I did find very helpful were

Gordon Neufeld's The Power to Parent DVD series - not explicitly targeted at gifted kids but all five of his kids were highly gifted and his approach really worked for my son.

The Explosive Child by Ross Greene

This article by Barbara Probst http://www.davidsongifted.org/db/Articles_id_10441.aspx

Good luck on your journey!
