No, no one looked at anyone else's notes secretly after the test. They did it back in class to compare answers..............the whole group who did it in her year did this, with the teachers knowledge (my daughter had asked if she could write on her testbook for this reason). These kids like to discuss the questions results take months. She also asked if she could write on it so she could bring it home to show me, and we could estimate her score! But thinking about it now, maybe the answers were copied from her testbook answers rather than answer book . Yes, she has learnt from lessons from this. But yes, as this is such a hard competition (compared to statewide testing etc), the really top math students are usually identified at the competition. Yes, it is the rest of the group that I am concerned about. Their relative strength in math has been corrupted, which will effect everything from class placement, to grades, pacademic prizes, and even subject acceleration........

Last edited by stephanie; 10/15/11 01:58 PM.