Thanks, Grinity.

DS is definitely an unusual kid, and just requires a whole lot of intensity. Having read all the data on the advantages of whole-grade acceleration, I'm still not sold -- he's very small for his age, and immature. He'd have to skip two grades, I think, to improve his life, and that's a hard thing to swallow, socially speaking, as he does have at least one very close friend in the class.

I suspect there's an ADHD component here too. BTW, he's not exactly behaving -- I think this is just the first teacher not to complain. DS tells me he's out of his chair every few minutes at school, as he is at home; I think the teacher just knows how to manage it -- a rare find, in my experience!

I think you all are right -- wait for October 4th meeting with the teacher, then set up an appointment with administration, with the goal of amending the IEP.

In the meantime, he's added "plasma" to his science report on states of matter (solid, liquid, gas). And I've allowed him to move forward in math at home, since he's bored anyway. He sees the math as a treat. Go fig.