DS6 is in a 1st grade gifted class. They're doing plain old 1st grade level work. DS reads 4th-5th grade books and does 3rd grade math; they're learning "the cat sat on the mat" and "3+1." My son is SO unhappy and bored.

A few weeks ago, I asked the teacher for a conference; she asked me to wait till after open house. After open house (2 weeks ago), we were able to secure a parent-teacher conference date for October 4. I have asked a few times since then if she might find a sooner time to meet, and she hasn't.

Finally, DH and I wrote a letter to the teacher, detailing my son's educational strengths and learning style, and asking for a few specific accelerations: math on the computer at his own pace, a reading group at his reading level with other high readers in the class, more complex science assignments for him. I gave her the letter on Monday, and have heard nothing back from her.

I can't speak to the teacher's teaching style per se, but she otherwise seems organized, and this is the first year that I haven't gotten complaints about DS's behavior. So I'm eager to keep her on our side if I can.

Nonetheless, I'm getting no communication from this teacher, and DS complains bitterly every afternoon. At what point do I stop worrying about alienating the teacher, and just go to school administration?