DD8 is having a rough start to 4th grade. She's not eating lunch, she's not finishing her classwork, she cries at the drop of the hat, she walks into immobile objects, she's incapable of picking out her own library books, she spends hours listening to the same audio book over and over again, she's having some disturbing unwanted / intrusive thoughts that are scaring her.

On the plus side, her teacher has kindly agreed to let DD eat a snack in the afternoon until we figure out the lunch thing. DD reports that she's been playing with her friends at recess the last few days, rather than sitting alone in a corner. She's being challenged by her spelling words, and is enjoying the challenge. She likes her teacher, and her teacher likes her.

After we've been in school for a month, she ought to be settled into the routine, and then things will go better. She is just not a kid who likes change, particularly when the change is not clearly laid out well in advance, and back-to-school is a big chaotic change.