Parent teacher conferences were tonight!

Her teacher likes DD very much, and agrees with us regarding the most-glaring problems she's having (doesn't read / follow directions, doesn't read the problem, doesn't show / check her work). She also reports that DD isn't talking in class (which we knew), including not participating in group discussions (which we didn't know).

She appreciates, rather than being offended by, my modified directions on DD's spelling homework. (DD has really obscure spelling words, which don't suit themselves well to the spelling assignments. I put a note at the head of DD's paper suggesting how she complete the assignment, so that DD can work on it if I'm not home.)

STAR reading came in at 12.2 GE, which we all got a chuckle out of. Our district is doing Literacy First this year, and the teacher started DD out with 5th grade, then gave her the 6th grade passage even though she didn't technically meet the cutoff to be tested against the higher material. DD unsurprisingly did better - faster and fewer errors - on the harder material. (I also suspect that she reads aloud slower than she could, because she sees the point of it as telling a story, rather than reading quickly. She reads aloud at the slow end of audiobook speed, and is an audiobook fan.)

Also, she has taken up reading a book under her desk when material is presented more than once. I have no idea where she could have gotten that from. whistle

The lunch problem from earlier in the year has been resolved, and DD is on track to have a good year.