Originally Posted by Bookratt
We signed him up for an OT eval when school starts, because his former teacher mentioned two different times that said she feels he has a weak pencil grip and also is too slow at forming his letters when printing.

Could this be because he is trying his darndest to make his letters perfectly? My DS7 wrote slowly for a long time because he was trying to make his letters "the way they look in books" and, obviously, this was a painstaking task! Or, do you think that your DS has some other handwriting difficulty that might be improved with some extra practice and/or OT?

(In first grade, my DS realized the other kids were writing very messily and his writing devolved into a quick hurry of scribbles that allowed him to work quickly on a less-than-challenging assignment. Basically, he looked around and realized that handwriting was yet another thing that he didn't need to pay attention to. No more perfectionism there! :))

She thought she could, so she did.