Thank you, aculady.

We signed him up for an OT eval when school starts, because his former teacher mentioned two different times that said she feels he has a weak pencil grip and also is too slow at forming his letters when printing.

I thought OT for that one issue was overkill, but told the school that after this testing was complete, if the psych also concurred, I'd be happy to follow her recommend to do it.

The psych, when she got the referral from the teacher, mentioned that to us; I told her if she recommended it, I would schedule it when sschool started. She seemed ok with our doing it when school started.

I hope the OT eval, when it does take place, is helpful to him.

Not sure what else her report/full info and review will tell us, or how we'll proceed from there.

Maybe the Connors survey she also did, plus one other test I do not yet know the name for, and its info, will help us, as well.

I'm anxious to know what is going on, and to know reliably/accurately the best thing we can do to help him.

I hate the idea that he has had areas in which he has needed help, and we didn't catch that soon enough.

The teacher said he's often careless, forgetful, and unfocused. But she said she felt it was a question of him not WANTING to, rather than being UNABLE to. So we were attacking it from a discipline/punishment angle, versus a "let's find the problem and fix it" angle. Until now.

I wish I'd known everything I've learned here in the last 6 days, 6 months ago.

Thanks again, to all!