Later when I have more time I'll post an article I have somewhere that cautions against "profile analysis" or diagnosing someone with anything based upon the way subtests line up on the WISC or other IQ tests. That said, if you see deficits in real life, I certainly wouldn't rule out 2e.

I have one child, dd12, whose processing speed was low average on the WISC and whose other three indices were gifted - highly gifted. She is not really 2e although she has some sensory issues. My other dd10 is 2e with ADD and possibly dyslexia. Her profile on the WISC looks a lot like your ds's.

In general, I'd say that wildly divergent #s aren't typical, but they are much more typical for a gifted child, 2e or not, than for a neurotypical average child. High highs and average lows don't necessarily mean 2e, but they do mean something about roadblocks for that child.